Sunday, October 11, 2009

EDI Batching

Batching of messages are an important feature for mostly in transport, logistics, retail world. Batching is a processing of a bunch of messages of similar types. These bunc of messages may belong to one or more trading partners. There would be multiple messages being exchange in a transport, logistics, retail world between two partners, and batching of messages of same document type and revision makes the process easier for both the parties. For example, if all the purchase orders are batced together, it is easy to process all the orders at once and there by avoid multiple exchange of messages and easier for shipping andother purposes.

Since EDIFACT or X12 are the widely used documents in retail industry, batching of EDI document becomes very helpful.

Multiple questions comes to mind... :)

1. How will/should the batch message behave if one of the document is with error?
2. How do we handle if the batching has to periodical and for ever?
3. Can we batch all the PO's for multiple trading partners?

... and so on...

Answer is Yes. It depends on the business logic behind.

-- We can have an option to exclude the error message and batch rest of them Or... we can error out all the messages that is part of that batch!!
-- It is possible batch all the POs of different trading partners. The native payload would have different envelops for different trading partners.

Also, we can have another option of count based batching!!!! Yes... we can have a count being set on the number of messages to be batched.. along with repetitive batching. Depending on either of the criteria, the batch can be triggered!!!

One of the products that provides all these options is .. .Oracle AS B2B ...!!!

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